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quantum physics trash mover: MP0;.s;.s;:(!!!!!!'jc%:1kc2-:1c%$-:.gc%3X:2-:1c%3-:.h.%-:1c0c.%-w-:.pc%.g-:(!!!!!!'l;;

yall should try
seems to be unbreakable

is player allowed to use in vaults?

i managed to crack it with a single player and a single converter



merry xmas!


August 15, 2024


why did you shut down online levels?! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

And no one can even change the music to Never Gonna Give You Up because the top left button in the main screen of online levels doesn't even work anymore...

second counter:


Sneaky Cloners: V1;30;30;8.1,9.1,10.1,11.1,12.1,13.1,14.1,15.1,16.1,17.1,18.1,19.1,20.1,8.2,9.2,10.2,11.2,12.2,13.2,14.2,15.2,16.2,17.2,18.2,19.2,20.2,8.3,9.3,10.3,11.3,12.3,13.3,14.3,15.3,16.3,17.3,18.3,19.3,20.3,8.4,9.4,10.4,11.4,12.4,13.4,14.4,15.4,16.4,17.4,18.4,19.4,20.4,8.5,9.5,10.5,11.5,12.5,13.5,14.5,15.5,16.5,17.5,18.5,19.5,20.5,8.6,9.6,10.6,11.6,12.6,13.6,14.6,15.6,16.6,17.6,18.6,19.6,20.6;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

where your objective is to make a nuke.

smallest nuke possible: V1;100;100;;,,,

useless but cool contraptions:

Enemy Party!:


nuke but CLONERS ONLY V3;1q;1q;{(0(!-)i(1h(1q)(1q(1o)i{{0(1n(1h)0{{{A{A(1r(1f)(1h)7A{{S0(1o(1f)(1h)8)94(43(1e)(1h)9(1n(1f)(1h)c(1q(1r)(0(Zs);;


=================================== STAGE 1=================================== Level 1: MP0;1;2;Es;; // the Starting Level, just press up arrow to win Level 2 MP0;a;a;:EE-:5s-:P;; // same as level 1, exept its bigger and the enemy is at the edge Level 3 MP0;a;a;o:j-:6s:1o:1-:1o:7-ko:7-E-:2o:4-:4o:4-:4o:4-:4o:d;; // use Push blocks to defeat 2 enemies Level 4 MP0;a;a;o:a-:5so:2-k-:3s:1o:1-:2o-o:4-:2o-:3o:1-E-:5o:1-k-o-:1k-o:1-:2o-:3o:k;; // same as level 3, exept the’res 3 enemies and 3 push blocks, grab those push blocks so you don’t need to die Level 5 MP0;b;b;o.E-:1k-:4o:5-:4o:1-:3k-o.E-o:1.E-:4o-:1o:1-o:4.Eo:3ko-:2o-l-o:1-o-oko-:2o:1-o-o.Eo-o-o:1-:2o:2-o:3-:7Eo:b;; // has green enemies, like original red enemies but weaker, push blocks appear close to the green enemies Level 6 MP0;c;c;o:c-:9o:1-k-:1k-:1k:1-o:1-:1Ek-k-k-:1o:1-:4k-:3o:2-o:4-o:2-:ao-@-@-:2@s@-o$o:2Z-$o:2Zo-YsY-:2Y-Y-o-:ao:c;; // now has Teleporters, witch use to teleport blocks, two enemies are using teleporters to make the player miss, grab a push block to kill an enemy, if you missed, grab another one, repeat this 2 times Level 7 MP0;k;k;:2A-:eso-:7o:b-A-:fso-:7o:b-A-:fso-:7o:b-A-:fso-:7o:b-:1A-:eso-:7o:b-:2A-:dso-:7o:b-:3A-:cso-:7o:b-:4A-:bso-:7o:b-:5A-:aso:3-:4o:cE-:4A-:9so:3-:4o:b;; // now has nudges, witch ativates when you push them, all nudges targeted at enemies, one wrong move can be restarted Level 8 MP0;k;k;o:ow:3o:f-:3o:f-:3os:2o:b-:3os:2o:b-:3os:2o:b-:3ok:2o:9E-:5k:2o:b-:4k:2o:b-:7o:b-:7o:b-:7o:b-:7o:f-:3o:f-:3o:f-:3o:f-:3o:f-:3o:fd:2o:r;; // now has pushers, just like nudges, but self-ativating (so you dont need to ativate them), push the pushers in the right timing, if you go below a nudge or a pusher, you died, but be carefull, trash blocks, witch removes blocks Level 9 MP0;k;k;o:k-:3k:5-:1s:5o:1-:ho:1-:ho:1-:1o:3-:5q:1Wq-:1o:1-:1o-so-:5qu-q-:1o:1-:1o-so-:5qu-q-:1o:1-:1o-so-:5qu-q-:1o:1-:1o-so-:5qu-q-:1o:1-:1o-so-:5qu-q-:1o:1-:1o-so-:5qu-q-:1o:1-:1o-so-:5qu-q-:1o:1-:1o-so-:5qu-q-:1o:1-:1o-so-:5qu-q-:1o:1-:1o-so-:5qu-q-:1o:1-:1oUo:1-:5q:3-:1o:1-:ho:3-:fo:1E-:2k:5-:1s:5o:k;; // now has converters, with applies on behind and transforms in front, first and last, you have to push thease 6 staked push blocks to kill enemies, and then push converters to convert enemies to invincible walls, repeat this in the seccond one, exept its upside down Level 10 MP0;k;.s;:7s:c-:6s:c-:6s:c-:6s:c-:!!!!!,F1-:fk:21-:fk:20-:dA-:2g-:gg:1&-:gd-:jF-:,u;; // a long level. now has pullers,slides and cloners. a puller is same as a pusher but it caries blocks from behind (when combining a pusher and a puller in front of it, it will move at double speed), a slide looks like a pause block but it only moves in 2 directions, a cloner clones blocks behind it. push the pusher above the puller and ativate the nudge, and scroll down the level using S key. Level 11 MP0;k;k;o:k.n:g.ko:1.m-e-:d.ko:1.m-:f.ko:1.m-:6k-:5o:4.m-:5o-o-d-:1k-so:2.m-:5o.Eo-:4o:4.m-:1o:2-o:2-:6.ko:1.m-k-.Eo-:4o:2-:2.ko:1.m-:1o:2-c-:2o.Eo-:2.ko:1.m-:9o-o-:2.ko:1.m-:ak-:3.ko:1.m-:1k-:c.ko:1.m-o-o-:5o:2-:2.ko:1.m-oso-:3f-os-k0-.ko:1.m-o:2-:5o:2-:2.ko:1.m-:cE-:1.ko:1.m-:f.ko:1.m.l:go:k;; // a level with corners filled with flippers (rotates blocks 180 degress) with red and green enemies hiding inside a hideout, green enemies heal the red ones, if you kill a red enemy but the green enemies not, the block destroys but not the enemy. if all green enemies destroyed. then you can now destroy the red enemies. Level 12 MP0;p;p;o:pw:gos:1ow:1o:1w-:4sk-:8os:1ow:1o:1w-:fw-:1w:2o:1w-w:6-:5w:2-:1w:2o:1w-w-:4w-:3w:2-:1k-w:2o:1w-w-:4w-:1w:2-:4kw:2o:1w-w-:5w:1-:1w:3-k-w:2o:1w-w-:fk-w:1o:1w-w-:2w:c-:2wo:1w-w-:2w-:aw-:2wo:1w-w-:1wsk-:9w-:2wo:1w-w-:1w:9-:2w-kswo:1w-:1w-:9w-:2w-:2wo:1w-:1w:9-:2w:3-:1wo:1w-:hw-:1wo:1w-:6w:6-:6wo:1w-:7w-:bwo:1w:c-w:1-:1w:1-:1wo:1w-:8w:2-w:1-:1w-:2wo:1w-:1E-:dw:1-:1wo:1w-:4w:c-:2wo:1w-:4wsk-:cwo:1w:mo:p;; // a level full of trash blocks almost like a maze (im bad at making mazes), destroy enemies using the push blocks.


not comments 16 days

Please bring back online servers @milenakos pleas


Lucky vault + Rng machine


it made a nuke


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